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Using run-jslint.sh, we’ll generate linting results in an XML format that’s similar enough to JUnit to trick Hudson, et al. into accepting them as unit test results that can be rendered after every build.


The path (relative to this script file) to the JSLint script:


The base of the test name that will be reported in Hudson (this will expand to ${TEST_BASENAME}.jslint.[TYPE].[FILENAME], for example org.mikewest.static.jslint.js.javascriptfilename1):


SCRIPT (no touchies)

Store the current script’s directory, and use it to generate paths to the JSLinting script (run-jslint.sh).

SCRIPTPATH=`dirname ${0}`

The script expects two arguments: the file to lint, and the path in which report XML files should be created. If one or the other is missing, print usage info, and exit.

if [ ! -e "${1}" ] || [ ! -d "${2}" ]; then
    echo "Usage: ${0} <file to lint> <path to reports>"
    exit 1



Generate a temporary report file. We have to do a bit of bash hackery to get the data we need: this file is part of that, slightly dirty, but necessary. If we can’t generate the file, exit.

    TEMP=`mktemp -t jslintreport.XXXXXX` || {
        echo "FATAL: Couldn't create temp file for reports"
        exit 1

Give the script’s two arguments nicer names: LINTEE is the file to be processed, REPORT_ROOT is, surprisingly enough, the directory into which we’ll stuff reports.


Process LINTEE to extract the file extension and basename. We’ll use both to generate the test name that’s displayed in Hudson.

    LINTEE_TYPE=`echo "${LINTEE}" | sed 's#\(.*\)\.\([^\.]*\)$#\2#'`
    LINTEE_BASENAME=`basename "${LINTEE}" | sed 's#\(.*\)\.\([^\.]*\)$#\1#'`

Using the extension and basename, generate a test name in the form: [BASENAME].jslint.[EXTENSION].[BASENAME]. We’ll use this to generate a report XML file of the same name ([REPORT ROOT]/[TEST NAME].xml):


The core; this is stunningly ugly. So, let’s break it down:

We want the result of run-jslint.sh [LINTEE]. So run that command, and pipe all it’s output (STDOUT/STDERR) into the temporary file we created earlier (TEMP) for processing later on.

We also, however, want to know how long the test took to run. That’s a bit of a pain in the ass. Running the previous command through time will output the time info we want on STDERR. But not the same STDERR as the command itself, which means it won’t be in the file we’ve just filled with data. The solution is to wrap the entire time call in a subshell, and to process the list’s STDOUT. Grep for “real” to get the wallclock time, then sed out the seconds.

What a mess.

    LINT_TIME=`( time "${JSLINT}" "${LINTEE}" 2>&1 1> "${TEMP}"; ) 2>&1 | grep real | sed 's#.*m\(.*\)s#\1#'`

After all that, read the tempfile back into LINT_RESULTS.


If the tempfile contains “No problems found in”, then the test passed without issue. If not, failure! Oh, the misery!

    WAS_FAILURE=`cat "${TEMP}" | grep -v 'No problems found in'`

And now we’re completely finished with the temp file. Kill it.

    rm "${TEMP}"

If the test failed, write out a testsuite XML block into the REPORT_FILENAME, and dump the error messages into a CDATA field.

    if [ "---${WAS_FAILURE}---" != "------" ]; then
        echo "<testsuite failures='1' time='${LINT_TIME}' errors='1' tests='1' skipped='0' name='${TEST_BASENAME}'>" > $REPORT_FILENAME
        echo "  <testcase time='${LINT_TIME}' name='testJSLint' classname='${TEST_BASENAME}'>" >> $REPORT_FILENAME
        echo "    <error message='${LINTEE_BASENAME} failed JSLint.'><![CDATA[${LINT_RESULTS}]]></error>" >> $REPORT_FILENAME
        echo "  </testcase>" >> $REPORT_FILENAME
        echo "</testsuite>" >> $REPORT_FILENAME

Otherwise, success! Dump a testsuite XML block into the file with 0 failures, and no error body.

        echo "<testsuite failures='0' time='${LINT_TIME}' errors='0' tests='1' skipped='0' name='${TEST_BASENAME}'>" > $REPORT_FILENAME
        echo "  <testcase time='${LINT_TIME}' name='testJSLint' classname='${TEST_BASENAME}'>" >> $REPORT_FILENAME
        echo "  </testcase>" >> $REPORT_FILENAME
        echo "</testsuite>" >> $REPORT_FILENAME